Thursday, May 14, 2009

Refreshed and Refocused

This week my friend Amber and I had the opportunity to get away and spend the week in the mountains in Highlands, NC. I have grown up going to Highlands with my family and I think I've gone on just about every hike possible in the area... but there was something different about this week. I had been praying a lot leading up to the trip, knowing that I needed to have some quality alone time in communion with Jesus. I knew that I needed a time to refresh and somewhat of a refocus before things got busy for the summer. Boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself about refresh and refocus, He got me!

Lila's rock is my favorite place in the world. It's a beautiful view of mountains as far as you can see and it's private so you don't have to worry about being bothered or talking too loud. I've been up on Lila's rock countless times in my life but this particular time was more breath-taking than ever. I was in complete awe of God's creation at first... the mountains, the valleys, the birds, the colors of the trees, I could go on and on. Then in the midst of all His creation, He gently, but boldly, reminded me WHO HE IS! So then, I was in complete awe of God. I was forced to focus on Him and His character. It was such a refreshing reminder that I pray will lead to a constant burning emotional connection with my King. Amber and I prayed together and sang songs of praise while we were up on Lila's rock. It was such an awesome time to be able to just worship Him in those moments.

It was easy to focus on Him in the mountains. No responsibilities, fewer temptations, no cell phone, beautiful scenery... the stage was set. But I pray as I return back from this refreshing time away, that my eyes will continue to be set on Him and Him alone... that I will stop letting the world get in the way of my emotional connection with my Savior!