Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lord, Forgive Me...

Lord, forgive me for EVER thinking it had anything to do with me!

I've had the opportunity to be a part of the building of God's Kingdom several times recently. Working with the HS ministry at Sevier Heights has been a bigger blessing in my walk with the Lord than I ever thought it would be.

This position in ministry brought with it a major burden on my heart to pray for a young freshman girl. I had a couple conversations with her at the very beginning of my time of service in the HS ministry, and although she was faithful to the "programs" we have at church, she informed me that she didn't know Christ and that she had no desire to change that. Her heart was hard, her spirit was down, and all I knew to do was pray. So I did, fervently and faithfully for 5 MONTHS. Every time I saw her, I just wanted to break down knowing that she hadn't found eternal security in Heaven. This past week at church camp, Brianna was completely broken and convicted of her sin. She confessed Jesus as her Lord and Savior on Monday June 20th. I can't put into words the emotions that came over me when she came to tell me. Excitement, joy, peace... overwhelming state of praise. God came through in a HUGE way! What a great reminder of how He answers prayers!

I had the opportunity to go back to Elk Valley where the HS ministry did mission work just a few weeks ago. It was a great reminder of the faithfulness of God that we experienced while we were up there. I was so proud of our students and how they all responded with heart of service that week in Elk Valley. We were able to do some great things in and around the church that will be huge blessings for that community for (Lord willing) many years to come. New Canaan Baptist Church is a special place and God is definitely at work there. They don't get caught in the routine of church services, instead they undergo each gathering as a time to do whatever the Lord leads them to do. Pure freedom to worship, give testimonies, kneel at the altar, pray, hug... Anything is welcomed and encouraged. What a great reminder of how free we are in Christ!

I have also been blessed to help mentor several girls. Some in big ways and some in more subtle ways. As I have had so many important difference makers in my life, I look at mentoring as a way for me to pass on all the things that these people have passed to me. What an awesome way to live out a heart for Christ than to show young girls through my actions and words! It has truly been a blessing in my walk to reach out to them and hopefully offer Godly counsel and advice.

Over the last several weeks I have seen COUNTLESS lives changed. Mission trip, VBS, Camp at Awanita... Some hearts welcomed into the Kingdom, some rededicated to their True Love in Jesus, some set on fire, some stepping up into leadership roles, some surrendering to the call to ministry... I've been reminded that seeing lives changed NEVER GETS OLD! Through all of His faithfulness, somehow I'm still amazed when He works in big and obvious ways. I forget that is His nature. That even when I don't notice, He's still at work. It's like I'm suprised when He "shows up". What a great reminder of His faithfulness over the past few weeks. He is SO GOOD!

Heavenly Father, thank you for who you are in my life. Lord, thank you for the priviledge to be a part of the building of your Kingdom! Forgive me Lord for the times that I forgot that it was ALL about you!

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